Frequently Asked
FAQs: the BikeBox | the BikeBox Tower | the BikeBox Lo Rider
the BikeBox™
CCan the BikeBox be installed outdoors?
CWhere is the BikeBox manufactured?
CWhat is the difference between the BikeBox Standard model and BikeBox Slimline?
CHow secure is the BikeBox?
CWhy is the BikeBox expensive?
CCan I assemble the BikeBox?
CIs the BikeBox suitable for installation in coastal and marine settings?
CDo you have a display unit anywhere?
CWhat kind of installation surface is required for the BikeBox?
CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
CWho is the most famous person to have bought a BikeBox in Australia?
CCan I store other items in my BikeBox?
the BikeBox™ Tower
CCan I self-install the BikeBox Tower and BikeBox Lo Rider?
CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
CHow many bikes can you fit in the BikeBox Tower?
CIs the BikeBox Tower similar to the Space Commander Double Decker?
CCan the BikeBox Tower be installed outdoors?
CHow secure is the BikeBox Tower or Lo Rider?
the BikeBox™ Lo Rider
CCan the BikeBox Lo Rider be installed outdoors?
CCan I self-install the BikeBox Tower and BikeBox Lo Rider?
CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
CHow secure is the BikeBox Tower or Lo Rider?
CIs the BikeBox Lo Rider similar to the Space Commander Over Bonnet models?
CHow many bikes can you fit in the BikeBox Lo Rider?