Frequently AskedQuestions

the BikeBox™

: CCan the BikeBox be installed outdoors?
: CWhere is the BikeBox manufactured?
: CWhat is the difference between the BikeBox Standard model and BikeBox Slimline?
: CHow secure is the BikeBox?
: CWhy is the BikeBox expensive?
: CCan I assemble the BikeBox?
: CIs the BikeBox suitable for installation in coastal and marine settings?
: CDo you have a display unit anywhere?
: CWhat kind of installation surface is required for the BikeBox?
: CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
: CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
: CWho is the most famous person to have bought a BikeBox in Australia?
: CCan I store other items in my BikeBox?

the BikeBox™ Tower

: CCan I self-install the BikeBox Tower and BikeBox Lo Rider?
: CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
: CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
: CHow many bikes can you fit in the BikeBox Tower?
: CIs the BikeBox Tower similar to the Space Commander Double Decker?
: CCan the BikeBox Tower be installed outdoors?
: CHow secure is the BikeBox Tower or Lo Rider?

the BikeBox™ Lo Rider

: CCan the BikeBox Lo Rider be installed outdoors?
: CCan I self-install the BikeBox Tower and BikeBox Lo Rider?
: CWhat is the warranty period for the BikeBox?
: CCan I take my BikeBox with me if I move house?
: CHow secure is the BikeBox Tower or Lo Rider?
: CIs the BikeBox Lo Rider similar to the Space Commander Over Bonnet models?
: CHow many bikes can you fit in the BikeBox Lo Rider?